One thing I’ve found to be extremely helpful with self development is finding an ideal you admire and striving to become it. It also helps to have specific people in mind that you admire and who you’d like to emulate. Generally when you admire someone, it means they possess a trait you have or that you’d like to have. Pay attention to who you admire, it will tell you a lot about yourself. Also, pay attention to which characters in fiction you admire or resonate with strongly.
I’ll give an example of someone I admire: Marcus Aurelius. He was a Roman emperor from 161 AD to 180 AD. What I admire about him is his complete lack of corruption. He didn’t abuse his power. He could’ve had any woman he wanted, at any time, for any reason, with zero effort, but he stayed faithful to his wife. He could have stayed in bed all day, but he got up and dealt with the problems of his empire. He could have had wine and food brought in and gorged himself, staying drunk for the duration of his reign and eating himself to morbid obesity. But he didn’t. He could execute anyone who made him angry or even slightly annoyed him, but he patiently dealt with them peacefully. He had absolute power and he didn’t abuse it. He kept his dark side in check, because no one else could.
I admire him because I want to be in control of myself to the level he was. I want to have such a strong character that I can resist disgracing myself. He’s someone worth emulating, in my opinion. I recommend his book “Meditations” if you’re interested in him or the philosophy he lived by. It’s the first entry on my book list.
Your hero doesn’t have to be someone that actually lived, they could be a fictional character. In fact, characters we resonate with tell us a lot about ourselves. I like Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit, for example. He’s torn between two parts of himself. One part enjoys his comfortable hobbit hole with regular mealtimes and pleasant furnishings. The other part yearns for adventure and all the excitement that goes along with it.
I relate to him strongly. I enjoy my alone time, I’m an extreme introvert, but another part of me yearns for adventure. It’s that part of me that pushed me to take up dancing, which changed my life. It showed me I could do more than I thought I could. Now I perform dance routines for fun as well as being a solid social dancer. I’m still very introverted, that won’t change, but I can now do something most people associate with being extroverted and I have a blast doing so.
Make a list of people and/or characters you admire. Really dig deep into why you admire them; what specifically do you like about them? What do they have that you wish you had?