Why bother improving yourself? That’s a question I sometimes struggle with. I fall flat on my face and wonder why I’m even trying. I’ll die anyway, so what does it matter? I’ll just indulge my impulses until that day comes.
That sort of thinking is enticing, to be sure. Self improvement is painful, often without seeing what the pain is for until much later. Immediate pleasure is obvious and in your face. This feels good now, that other thing hurts right now. Why am I doing something that hurts when I can feel good doing this other thing?
The difference is the perspective. If all you can see is the present, of course the pleasure is the way to go. But if you can look to the future, that immediate pleasure often is going to cause long term pain, whereas that thing that hurts is going to result in something far more meaningful than mere pleasure.
If one can keep their eyes on the horizon, on a value, a goal, a guiding star, pain in the present becomes bearable. There’s a quote by Nietszche, “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” If you have a reason for doing something, you can bear what it takes to get it. If you don’t have much reason, you’ll easily succumb to immediate pleasure, because that’s the most obvious thing.
Maybe you’re reading this post because you looked around and asked yourself, “Is this it? Is this all my life is?” Yeah, comfort is nice and pleasure is enticing, but is there more to this life? Do you have any goals? Do you have desires that are above and beyond mere pleasure? Are you turning to pleasure to run away from problems you currently have?
Why pursue excellence? Maybe so you can keep from plunging into a life of pleasure-seeking nihilism. Maybe so you don’t have to suffer more than is necessary in the long run. Though, in my opinion, the reason to pursue excellence is simple: Pushing the boundaries of your potential is the essence of what it is to be human. The stories we’ve told ourselves for countless generations are all about fighting and exploring, discovery and hope. The capacity to move past our base impulses and pursue something more is the most human thing there is. Truly see where your limits actually are. I guarantee you can do more than you think.
Why pursue excellence?
Because that’s what the human spirit is, it yearns to be challenged, to be tested.
When it comes to excellence, I’m not necessarily talking about being rich and famous or being the best in a particular field, though that can be how excellence manifests itself in some people. I’m talking about being excellent wherever you are in life, pursuing it in all you do. There’s room for excellence in every aspect of life. It’s a mindset, a lifestyle.
There are people who excel at what they do, but aren’t world renowned for it. Getting attention and accolades isn’t the point of excellence, though. Have you ever eaten incredible food? In my experience, the best food is found in the little hole-in-the-wall restaurants where the owner loves what they do. Or have you ever experienced incredible kindness from a stranger? That’s a simple act of excellence, that’s the human potential.
I have an experience with that. I wasn’t feeling very well at work and on my lunch break I went to the store to buy some medicine to get me through the day. The cashier asked me the standard, “How are you?” And before I could answer she looked at what I was buying and said, “Aw, not too well, huh?” as she gave me a sympathetic smile and hoped I felt better soon. It wasn’t a big deal, I wasn’t suffering horribly or anything, but it meant enough to me that I still remember it. That was a display of excellence. I’ve found that whenever I’m inspired or moved by someone or something, it means I’m witnessing excellence in some way. I’m seeing a virtue personified or a highly honed skill displayed.
Excellence speaks to the human soul, to rise up and become more. To throw off the shackles of our base impulses and pursue something higher than ourselves.
Whatever your ambitions are, there’s room for excellence. You may want to reach for the stars, or you may just want a simple life and be left alone. Working to embody excellence in yourself will help you on your path, whatever it may be.